Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Beginning

Today was the beginning of a new journey for our family. Mom complained of a headache last night (Monday). She told me she had had a dull headache for about 2-3 weeks. We talked about taking sinus medicine and ibuprofen. I checked on her after work and she said she was up to keeping Sarah and Hogan while Steve and I went to church. (She wanted to get the kids to bed early.) We got home around 9 pm. We found Hogan running around and mom and Sarah on the couch. Mom looked like she felt bad and stated she had vomitted several times. I questioned her about being nauseated and she said she really wasn't nauseated. I told her I thought she should go to the ER and she said no and just went home. I called her within the hour. She had gone to sleep and had difficulty orienting. I again tried to get her to let me take her to the ER. She said no. I told her to call the triage and do whatever they told her to do. Well , she was to go if she contiuned to throw up or if the headache got worse. I did not hear from her all night and went to check on her as soon as the kids went to school. She was significantly worse, bad headache, vomiting, and now definite confusion. We went to the ER and they did a CAT scan. The doctor was back within minutes with bad news. She said there was a tumor, she would transfer her to Baptist ICU and we would probably be looking at surgery in the morning. The tumor was bleeding and therefore they sent her by ambulance. They did an MRI shortly after getting settled. The tumor was fairly large 1.5 inches by 1 inch on the top. They are not sure whether it is in just the right half of the brain or in both. On the MRI it looks as if it could just be swelling and bruising on the left. The neurosurgeon came in and said he wanted to do a biopsy tomorrow morning before a big surgery. We are anxiously awaiting.

She is resting fairly comfortably if she does not move around much and is very alert. She knows everyone and is keeping up with the status of things. She is tired but in good spirits.


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