Friday, October 27, 2006

On the Schedule

Today we visited with Dr. Yasargil. He is a very accomplished physcian at UAMS. He has been termed the "Father of Modern Day Neurosurgery" by some of the physcians we have spoken with. He has instruments named after him and everything. He was highly recommended by our neurosurgeon from Baptist. I asked him if he could choose anyone to operate on him who would it be. He stated Dr. Yasargil. I said, "even over the big named hospitals". He said "yes". So then I asked him in the world. He then said there was a guy in Australia that would be comparable. So I feel we have a great doctor, even if he is 81!!!!

Dr. Yasargil said the tumor was operable and that we needed to get it out. He said they will look at the whole tumor and do another path report on the entire tumor. Sometimes this will change the staging of the tumor, but sometime not and the the tumor would come back. We will follow up with chemo and radiation regardless of which route we take. He was very confidant he could remove the tumor without much damage to mom. This is our main concern. Of course it is a risk.

We scheduled the surgery for Wednesday, Nov. 1st early in the morning. We will pray about it this weekend and cancel if we feel we should, but it is easier to cancel than to schedule! He will be traveling to China the following week. Please pray with us so that we will have peace and a clear decision. So much is at stake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thrilled to hear the latest news! We are in prayer every day for Faye, but especially now. How wonderful that you have a surgeon of this caliber and who is available between trips. His confidence is encouraging. thanks for keeping us posted and send my love and support to Faye. - Becki

9:32 AM  

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