Friday, March 02, 2007

"As long as it is purple and says 'Close the barn door'"

Mom is continually cominig up with the funniest statements. I was getting her in bed last night when she came up with this beauty. What it was in relation to I have no idea. I think we were talking about whether or not she was comfortable. I blog a lot of these because I do not want to forget the times we laugh with her. All the irritating things seem to stick but the cute things fade into the details.

I do think mom is doing much better. She finished the antibiotics several days ago and she is much more active. She has been laughing and talking a lot more and her shaking is even better. She is able to keep up with activities around her again and is not sleeping all the time. Her stomach problems have pretty much vanished (which is a great relief!!!!) and her appetite is improved. She did think I was Nelda today and I had a difficult time convincing her I was not Nelda (actually, I think she just finally lost the train of thought).

We went for her MRI of the spine today and are now awaiting the results. At this point I am really hoping for muscle spasms or anything easier to deal with than a tumor or compression fracture. She will not be able to under go surgery I am sure. But she just hurts so bad. She tells me over and over that she hurts all over too. This scares me a little as well. GBMs are not supposed to spread, but I guess there is always a small chance of anything.

We are trying to get her scheduled for our return trip to Maryland and it is going very slow for some reason. I wonder if they are waiting on the MRI results first. We should know more today. I wish they would tell us exactly what her chances of having a big problem are. One doc will seem real concerned and another not so much! It drives me crazy!!! I guess I would just like them to wave a star trek machine over her and tell me exactly and instantly!

Well, I will try to post again tonight or whenever we get the results of the MRI (problem with doing things on a Friday!) Thank you all for your prayers!!!


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