Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Stat MRI!

Today we got our follow up MRI a little sooner than originally planned. It all began yesterday. Mom had a friend come and sit with her in the morning while I worked. Then I came home for lunch to get mom. We went out to eat and then to the gym to walk. She did great. We walked almost 1/2 mile in about 20 minutes with only 2 rest breaks. Then we went back to my office where mom dozed in her recliner and watched TV while I worked. She was very unsteady on her feet but made it to the car and in the office fine. Then after work I got her up to leave, fortunately Steve was there because she slide down the wall. She got her feet crumpled under her and this hurt, but did not injury her ankles. Steve got her up and I took her in the restroom. We thought she was fine so Steve left to pick up Hogan on time from daycare. Mom then almost fell again in the bathroom. Not to be crude or anything, I closed the lid to the toilet and quickly sat her down. She then just slumped against the wall like she could no longer even sit up. She regained strength shortly and we walked to the back of the office to leave. Once again she crumpled. I slid her down the wall again. And again she got her foot caught under her although did not injury anything. I had to call Steve back to the office to come help me. Next we went to my Jiu-Jitsu class. Steve took mom and the kids out to eat. On the way in to where I was, she fell against Steve in the parking lot. At home she almost fell a couple of other times!

So this morning we got up, ready, and off to school and work. She fell against me and we leaned heavily on the railing. Once inside she sat and looked at mags waiting for a friend to come and take her to lunch and to walk. I got her up to the bathroom and she almost fell again. I then had the doc look at her. I told her I though she was having seizures. She examined her and agreed. She called the oncologist and they talked. He told mom's doc that he thought it might be scar tissue. They decided to get the MRI today and see him tomorrow. They gave her a 10 mg dose of steroids - shot form. She went to lunch with her friend (Sonic drive in) and then she and I went for her MRI. Anna met us there and helped hold mom still during the scan. Mom fidgets a lot and Anna had to keep her hands on her legs and hands to keep them still. When you move during the scan it makes everything very blurry. Now they wanted her previous films from UAMS, so Steve and I scrambled and he got them to the MRI people before 5:00. They were supposed to send a "wet reading" to the office tonight. We have been on pins a needles since waiting on this report. At this point they have all gone home for the night, but I have a key!!!!!!!!! So I will be going to look her in about another hour. Please be praying that it is just swelling. (There was a lot of edema on the film. A little over 1/4 of the film was bright white indicating edema from radiation. I don't know how they will read through that.) The oncologist also mentioned maybe needing a PET scan. We have an appointment in the AM with him so we will know before too much longer. Oh yeah, and he increased her daily steroids to 8 mg/day. Double the dose and 2/3 of her highest dose!

I'll update you again when I know something.


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