Thursday, December 07, 2006

A good day

There is not much new happening at the moment , but I wanted to let you know we had a good day today. Mom had another few minutes of true clarity this morning and seemed more "with it" the rest of the day. I got very few really wacky stories. She was able to keep up with happenings all day.

We went to the Christmas tree farm with Hogan's preschool class. It was bitter cold and Hogan was not having fun, so we left after about 15 minutes. He refused to drink hot chocolate, ride the hay ride or get his picture taken! Then we went to the mall and had lunch at the nice Chinese restaurant, shopped a few minutes, went to radiation, back to the mall (used a wheelchair this time) then to pick up Sarah and take her to dance. Then to our house to check on the new floors (they are beautiful) and home. She slept very little and enjoyed all the activities. So therefore, I deem this a good day.


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