Friday, November 24, 2006

Garage Sale Day

We spent all day today trying to sell our excess stuff. And boy do we have excess! I don't think I have gotten rid of anything during our 15 years of marriage. I told Steve I hope I just turned over a new leaf. I don't ever want to horde so much stuff again. We have almost finished packing. We have what I consider the hardest room yet. Our junk room. It is the catch all and where I stash everything I don't want to deal with! But then it will just be a matter of finishing up loss ends and moving every thing into storage. At night we have been trying to organize the things that we brought with us. We needed to bring more stuff than I anticipated. I guess it usually works that way. It is hard boxing up your whole life. I've always said that it was all just stuff, and now I get to put that belief into action. Yet it is a little hard.

Mom is more confused and even a little bit irritable today. We have noticed a decrease in her memory over the past few days. She is also more confused. She is getting things she has known for years mixed up. Yesterday she said Jana and Josh were in high school together. I won't say how old, but Jana is a few years older than Josh and they were never in school together. She forgets we live with her and we startle her continually. I hate seeing the surprised and frightened look on her face. This morning she was very distrustful of Anna, stating that Anna lies to her all the time. The she said I lie too and she can't trust any of us. This lasted only a few minutes and then she was pleasant the rest of the day. She does ask if we are telling secrets all the time. I can see this suspicion though since we try to talk about business and more unpleasant things away from her. She gets frustrated when we talk about her condition in front of her. The steroids, radiation and tumor are probably all playing a role in the irritability and distrust. We just pray that the effects will be mild and short lived. Mom has always been such a pleasant person. The doctor calls it the "steroid monster".

Well, I need a shower and some sleep. If you need any junk just give me a ring and I'll hook you up!


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