Monday, December 11, 2006

Our new Home Sweet Home

I guess we are officially moved. We completed our never ending yard sale and shipped the remaining stuff (which was a lot) off to a local charitable resale store. They even came and picked it up which was such a blessing. Then we loaded the rest of the straggling stuff and hauled it to either storage or to mom's. Now I have to go through the boxes we brought and probably send more stuff to storage because there simply is not enough room. But now we are all under one roof and I can unpack at my "leisure".

Josh called a couple of days ago. I don't think he is "enjoying" boot camp, but he is still alive and still there! His graduation is set I think for the 10th of Jan. We are planning on driving mom down for the graduation and ceremonies as long as she feels like it.

Mom has caught a cold and needs prayer for that. She has not felt very well for the past 3 days. She has been very tired yet restless. We decreased the steroid today, so hopefully the restlessness will subside and she can truly rest. They tell us that getting off the steroids is one of the hardest parts. They want to do it as soon as possible. We finish our radiation this week. Friday will be her last treatment. I have very mixed feelings about this. On the one hand we will not have to drag her back and forth to CARTI every day and we will stop frying her brain so the healing can begin. On the other, this is the max amount of radiation she can have in this area of her brain and then we will just wait for the MRI after the first of the year to see the results. They have to let the glowing effect (swelling) subside so not to confuse it with tumor growth. Apparently this is a common difficulty when reading the next MRI. We need prayer that there will be not regrowth and new areas. Another tumor would devastated us. I read where people have 3 and 4 surgeries for different tumor areas. I don't know if mom can tolerate this kind of aggressiveness in her brain. These tumor cells resemble stars and each little point has tentacles that shoot off and grows another star. Therefore they say they can kind of tunnel in the brain and pop up elsewhere.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. She still gets so many calls and cards. When she gets some of her memory back she will be amazed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angie, I will pray for your mom. I recieve letters from Josh today. One was sent to your mom. I will bring it with me tomorrow so she can have it. It was very sweet. I think she will like it.


11:27 AM  

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